The Client:
CareCall Mental Wellbeing
The Brief:
CareCall is a leading provider across Ireland of quality solutions to maximise individual and organisational wellbeing, with a focus on providing support programmes. It is part of the Northern Ireland Action for Mental Health Charity (Niamh.) The brief to LifeAdventureCo from CareCall’s senior management was for a team bonding and motivational intervention that would instil the right team behaviours. This was to help them take on challenges and opportunities they were facing within the organisation which included expansion of its services into the Republic of Ireland.
The Solution:
LifeAdventuerCo delivered an energising team building and team bonding event based at Castlewellan Forest Park centred around a ‘common goal’ outdoor adventure exercise. We placed individuals in a setting where they were required to work both as smaller sub teams and also to participate as part of the larger team to solve problems and achieve a successful outcome for all. The importance of team inter-dependency was key to the learning outcomes achieved as well as confidence-building for the challenges that lay ahead in the workplace.